Wedding Photographers Christchurch

“wedding photos & videos you will love”

Why you should choose us

as your wedding photographers?


Our creativity –

we don’t

like to take boring photos,

we are looking at what can

make your wedding photos

stand out from the rest….

We are constantly looking how

we can do better…

and two photographers heads

are better than one, hence why

we always work together.

We chose to NOT to book too

many weddings,

we want your wedding day to

be special.

Creativity relates too the flying

bride photo,

or the bride dragging the

groom into the church,

or the evening photos with


If you are an engaged couple

that want to get more from

your wedding

than boring wedding photos

then choose us Brent & Shirley


During your reception on a

large screen,

you get to see 100-200

selected photos as a slideshow

of your wedding day.

No waiting many weeks to see your photos

Wedding Photography

“we freeze time – we appreciate how precious those moments are”

get in touch for coffee

This is not a decision that can be made on looks alone — arrange a time to meet your potential wedding photographers – call or text  027 2224767

Brent & Shirley Cairns

Wedding Photographers Christchurch

along with

In addition they make “sculptures from live models” their art is in 15 countries


Call Brent & Shirley

136 Charles Street, formerly 65a Cass Street, Kaiapoi, Christchurch, New Zealand

(027) 222 4767

Capturing that Forever Moment